The 2023-24 CPD compliance filing is now open

File your CPD compliance statement before the deadline to avoid late fees and ensure that your membership remains in good standing.



The CIA is committed to the advancement of actuarial science. Each year, we dedicate significant resources towards research that offers valuable information to our members. The Research Council (REC) manages our research projects through standing core research committees, the Academic Research Committee and the Exploratory Research Committee (and related project oversight groups). In most cases, external groups such as universities or independent research firms conduct the research, with the relevant committee overseeing the project.

Our research guiding principles

A person sitting at a desk with a computer and a pen


Research should be of high potential or lasting value for the profession. 

The Canadian flag in front of the Parliament building


Research that is of the greatest relevance and impact on Canadian actuarial practice.

A woman working with a tablet and a laptop


Research should vary in scope and topic reflecting the various practice areas in the industry. 

A group of people in a meeting


Research should be realistic and sustainable in its resource requirements. 

Two men looking at a graph in a big screen


Research should be sound and of the highest quality. 

Our research types

A person looking at a glass wall with sticky notes

Research supporting actuaries in the performance of their current or changing duties.

Research focused on developing and meeting the future needs of the profession and ensuring it remains relevant in the modern world. 

A person pointing at a screen
A person in a black sweater talking to another person

A program for members of the Canadian actuarial community or others pursuing research on topics relevant to Canadian actuaries to disseminate their research and research ideas.