The 2023-24 CPD compliance filing is now open

File your CPD compliance statement before the deadline to avoid late fees and ensure that your membership remains in good standing.

HomeProfession oversight Professionalism and credential monitoring

Professionalism and credential monitoring

The Professionalism and Credential Monitoring Board (PCMB) establishes, maintains and monitors compliance with rigorous qualification standards that reflect the evolving needs of the actuarial industry. The PCMB also provides input on professionalism education within the CIA. Under the oversight of the Actuarial Profession Oversight Board (APOB), the PCMB helps the CIA fulfil its duty to uphold the public interest.

What does the PCMB do? 

  1. Continuing professional development: Learning never stops among  actuarial professionals. The PCMB ensures that our members are meeting established CPD requirements to stay at the forefront of their field. 
  2. Professionalism: The public relies on the professional conduct of actuaries. The PCMB helps ensure actuaries meet high standards of professionalism in their day-to-day work.  
  3. Managing criminal convictions disclosure: Trust is paramount in our profession. The PCMB manages the process for disclosing criminal convictions, both for prospective and existing CIA members. 


John DarkChair
Maxime-Frédéric Brochu-LeclairVice-Chair
David BoettcherMember
Steve DobronyiMember
Dane Grand-MaisonMember
Stella-Ann MénardMember
James (Wansi) XuMember
Mercy YanMember
Carolyn YearwoodMember
Michel SimardEx-officio participant

If you have any questions about our qualification standards, CPD requirements or the disclosure process for criminal convictions, please reach out to us for more information.