The 2023-24 CPD compliance filing is now open

File your CPD compliance statement before the deadline to avoid late fees and ensure that your membership remains in good standing.

Voting members of the Institute are invited to participate in membership votes throughout the year.  Voting members include FCIAs in good standing and ACIAs in good standing who have been a member for five years or more.

The CIA’s main voting activities include annual elections for CIA Board members and President-Elect, the general business of the Institute at the general meetings of members, and votes held on changes to the CIA Bylaws or Rules of Professional Conduct.

Membership voting is done online through Simply Voting, a secure third-party online voting platform. When a voting period begins, voting members will be sent an email with instructions on how to access the platform.

A group of people posing for a photo

CIA Elections

Find out about the annual CIA elections and how to get involved.

Learn more

Annual General Meeting

Participate in the next AGM and learn more about voting before and during the event. Members must log in to access this page.

Get the details
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