The 2023-24 CPD compliance filing is now open

File your CPD compliance statement before the deadline to avoid late fees and ensure that your membership remains in good standing.

HomeProfession oversight Professional conduct

Professional conduct

The Professional Conduct Board (PCB) upholds the highest standards of professional conduct in the actuarial community. Working under the oversight of the Actuarial Profession Oversight Board (APOB), the PCB has the responsibility of managing the CIA’s disciplinary process.

What does the PCB do? 

  1. Addressing complaints: The PCB assesses and manages every query and complaint related to alleged offenses by CIA members. They take these matters seriously to ensure accountability and uphold the reputation of the actuarial profession, and to maintain the profession’s integrity and trust. 
  2. Managing policies: The PCB is responsible for developing, amending and publishing policies governing the CIA disciplinary process, ensuring transparent, fair and effective policies that guide the profession towards excellence. 
  3. Educating members: The PCB educates members regarding the operation of the disciplinary process, provides input on professionalism education, helping ensure that everyone understands the requirements and is aware of the latest developments. 


David DicksonChair
Lyne RamacièreVice-Chair
Nicolas BeaudoinMember
Michel BruttiMember
Paul BurnellMember
Daniella CarringtonMember
Michel DionneMember
Lisa GiancolaMember
Peter GorhamMember
Adelle LanielMember
José LegaultMember
Dominik Lemieux-BriaultMember
Krystel LessardMember
David MortonMember
Dean NewellMember
Alina SanduMember
Edward SkwarekMember
Cecilia TseMember
Érik MorissetteLegal Counsel
Judith ParisienLegal Counsel
Michel SimardEx-officio participant

Reporting on actuarial conduct 

For more information on how to inquire about the qualifications or report on the conduct of an actuary visit the Conduct and complaints page. We are committed to fostering a professional environment built on integrity and excellence.