Education FAQ
General FAQ
Pathway 1 is designed for students using an accredited degree and exclusively using the CIA’s education and exams to achieve ACIA and FCIA designations.
Candidates wishing to use Pathway 1 must have a recognized degree from a CIA-accredited university, including specified mandatory courses as determined by the CIA, and must successfully complete ACIA Modules 1 and 2, the ACIA Capstone Exam and the CIA Professionalism Workshop to become an ACIA.
Pathway 2 is designed for candidates who want to hold another recognized Associate-level designation and become an ACIA and FCIA through the CIA’s education and exams and who do not plan to become a Fellow of another actuarial organization. It is also for candidates seeking ACIA via mutual recognition agreements and candidates’ designations from other actuarial organizations that are not currently recognized by the CIA (e.g., the goal is ASA/FCIA, ACAS/FCIA, ASSA/FCIA, AIAA/FCIA, AIA/FCIA).
Candidates wishing to use Pathway 2 must have a recognized Associate-level designation (some exemptions apply) and must complete ACIA Module 2 and the CIA Professionalism Workshop to become an ACIA. Under certain conditions, ACIA Module 1 as well as the ACIA Capstone exam may be required (see ACIA FAQ 9 and 10 for more details). Candidates achieving ACIA via Pathway 2 are assumed to be completing their FCIA using the CIA’s modules and examinations rather than the education and exams of other actuarial organizations. Under certain conditions, recognition of modules and examinations of other actuarial bodies will be granted.
Pathway 3 is designed for candidates who want to achieve FCIA by holding another recognized Fellow level designation and become an FCIA via experience, fast-track or mutual recognition (e.g., the goal is FSA/FCIA, FCAS/FCIA, FASSA/FCIA, FIAA/FCIA, FIA/FCIA).
Candidates wishing to use Pathway 3 must first obtain a recognized Fellow designation and then complete the FCIA Module 2 for their specific track and the Advanced Professionalism and Leadership course and choose the experience route or the fast-track option. Note that obtaining the first Fellow designation must precede entry into CIA educational activities towards the achievement of FCIA.
You can use it in Pathway 1, in which an actuarial degree from an accredited university is required. Here are the requirements for ACIA under Pathway 1:
Requirement | Description |
1. Degree in actuarial science from an accredited university | a. Degree completed between June 30, 2015, and October 31, 2023; or
b. degree completed after October 31, 2023, including list of CIA-required courses. Students who are unable to complete their degree by October 31, 2023, due to co-op or internship schedules will be given special consideration on a case-by-case basis for up to one year. |
2. ACIA Modules 1 and 2 | Both ACIA modules are deployed. Please see available exemptions as per ACIA FAQ 4 below. |
3. ACIA Capstone Exam | Administered in January and September 2024. Please see available exemptions as per ACIA FAQ 4 below. |
4. CIA Professionalism Workshop | Administered several times a year. |
This is Pathway 2. Please note that UAP credits will no longer be granted effective October 31, 2023, but any UAP credits confirmed up to this date will not lapse and will continue to be accepted under Pathways 1 and 2.
Requirements under Pathway 2 for candidates using UAP credits, SOA or CAS activities:
Requirement | Description |
1. Preliminary education | a. ACAS or all ACAS requirements save for exams 5, 6 and the CAS COP, including exams and UAP piecemeal credits.
b. ASA or ASA level requirements, save for APC and exam PA, including exams and UAP piecemeal credits. |
2. ACIA Module 2 | An exemption may be obtained as per transition rule ATR23-7 if you have successfully completed SOA exam PA and 8 FAP modules (incl. assessments), or CAS Online Course 1 (DISC-RM), Online Course 2 (DISC-IA) and exam MAS-II by December 31, 2023. |
3. CIA Professionalism Workshop | Administered several times a year. |
Only candidates wishing to pursue Pathway 1 and candidates pursuing ACIA via Pathway 2 who hold actuarial designations that are not recognized by the CIA (but recognized by the IAA) need to do the ACIA Capstone Exam. For a limited period, some exemptions from the Capstone Exam are available. (see ACIA FAQ 4)
Yes, exemptions are available over a transitional period ending in 2023, as per the following table, in accordance with transition rules ATR23-5 and ATR23-7.
ACIA Capstone Exam exemption (for Pathway 1)
Must meet items 1 and 2 below. |
ACIA modules exemption (for Pathways 1 and 2)
Must meet item 1 below. |
1. Degree in actuarial science from an accredited university obtained between June 30, 2015, and October 31, 2023*
*Extension for up to one year for co-op students based on a case-by-case basis |
1. Exams and courses confirmed before December 31, 2023
a. *Eight SOA FAP modules and assessments and exam PA or b. CAS online courses 1 and 2, and exam MASII |
2. UAP credits (confirmed by October 31, 2023) and/or exams (confirmed before December 31, 2023):
a. SOA P, FM, IFM, *LTAM+STAM, SRM *LTAM+STAM can be replaced by LTAM+FAM-S or STAM+FAM-L or b. CAS 1,2,3F, MASI, MASII |
Note: SOA candidates pursuing FCIA through Pathways 1 and 2 must complete their FCIA-level education, including the Practice Education Course (PEC) by December 31, 2023, to be exempt from FCIA Module 2 and the Advanced Professionalism and Leadership Course (APLC) which is replacing PEC in 2024. |
* The eight SOA FAP modules are currently subject to the following structure (ASA Curriculum Changes):
- Pre-Actuarial Foundations e-Learning Module or FAP Module 1: Introduction/ Role of the Professional Actuary and Module 2: Core External Forces. (2 Modules)
- Actuarial Foundations e-Learning Module or FAP Module 4: Actuarial Solutions. (1 Module)
- FAP Module 3: Risk in Actuarial Problems, Module 5: Design and Pricing of an Actuarial Solution, Module 6: Model Selection and Solution Design, Module 7: Selection of Initial Assumptions, Module 8: Monitoring Results, and the Final Assessment. (5 Modules)
Pathway 2 is available to you. The requirements are:
Requirement | Description |
1. Preliminary education | Associate designation of your recognized organization (save for APC and exam PA for SOA candidates and save for exams 5 and 6 and CAS COP for CAS candidates). |
2. ACIA Module 2 | An exemption may be obtained as per transition rule ATR23-7 if you have successfully completed SOA exam PA and 8 FAP modules (incl. assessments), or CAS Online Course 1 (DISC-RM), Online Course 2 (DISC-IA) and exam MAS-II by December 31, 2023. |
3. CIA Professionalism Workshop | Administered several times a year. |
Those who do not have a degree from an accredited university can obtain their ACIA designation through Pathway 2. See ACIA FAQ 5 for requirements.
Both Pathways 1 and 2 are available – see ACIA FAQs 1, 2 and 5 for requirements. If you are currently pursuing an actuarial designation from another organization, you can pursue this education pathway and use Pathway 2 to qualify as an ACIA.
Please note that the ACIA Capstone Exam mainly applies to qualification as an ACIA through Pathway 1. See ACIA FAQ 4 for possible exemptions if you choose to qualify as an ACIA through Pathway 1. Any candidate pursuing Pathway 2 who holds a recognized Associate level designation is exempt from the Capstone exam. The ACIA Capstone exam is required for Pathway 2 candidates with actuarial designations from organizations that are not recognized by the CIA.
See ACIA FAQ 4 for possible exemptions.
All membership applications must be submitted through our website. Once you’ve established that you meet the requirements for ACIA according to your pathway, including any applicable exemptions, you can submit your full application for ACIA. Confirmation of requirements will be assessed based on the documentation you provide.
Be sure to provide all information upon application such as official university transcript, transcripts of actuarial exams passed and proof of membership from an actuarial organization.
Contact [email protected] for application details.
No. See ACIA FAQ 10 for details.
UAP exam credits are no longer granted effective October 31, 2023. Any UAP credits confirmed up to this date will not lapse and will continue to be accepted under Pathway 2.
If you live in Canada and hold an actuarial qualification from an actuarial organization that is not among those recognized by the CIA but is a member of the International Actuarial Association (IAA), Pathway 2 is available to you. Requirements will generally be as follows:
Requirement | Description |
1. Preliminary education | Fully qualified actuary from an IAA member organization. |
2. ACIA Modules 1 and 2 | Available for registration. |
3. ACIA Capstone Exam | Offered January and September 2024. |
3. CIA Professionalism Workshop | Administered several times a year. |
You would then pursue FCIA through Pathway 1. See Fellow FAQ 2 for details.
Yes, if you plan to qualify under Pathways 1 or 2. Also note that for FCIA applications received by November 15, 2025, using transitional Pathway 2 recognition of SOA and CAS Fellow-level activities, ACIA designation is required while accruing the required 12 months of Canadian experience.
No, if you are, or plan to qualify as, a Fellow from one of the recognized actuarial organizations. You will follow Pathway 3A or 3B requirements.
Please see FCIA FAQ 4 and 5 for details on Pathway 3A and 3B requirements.
Pathways 1 and 2 are identical from ACIA to FCIA – they are based on CIA exams and modules. See FCIA FAQ 2 for Pathways 1 and 2 requirements to FCIA.
Pathway 3 is designed for candidates holding a recognized Fellow designation from another organization. See FCIA FAQ 3 for more details.
The following table shows requirements for Pathways 1 and 2 (they are identical from ACIA to FCIA, see FCIA FAQ 1), along with any applicable transition rules:
Requirement | Description |
1. ACIA designation | Hold ACIA designation, obtained through Pathways 1 or 2. |
2. ACIA Module 2 (transitional requirement) | As per transition rule FTR23-2: December 31, 2023, is the deadline for candidates in the SOA education system using Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 to complete Fellow-level education, including the PEC (but not the SOA FAC and DMAC), to be exempt from SOA exam PA or ACIA Module 2. |
3. FCIA Module 1 | Expected to be deployed in 2024. Credit may be obtained as per recognition rules, subject to transition rule FTR25-2, for FCIA applications using only SOA/CAS activities and submitted before November 15, 2025.
Transition rule FTR25-3 provides the opportunity to candidates to extend the recognition of achieved Fellow level SOA or CAS educational activities, on the condition that they successfully complete at least one FCIA exam by November 15, 2025. It is important to note that SOA and CAS Fellow-level activities only successfully completed prior to passing this one FCIA exam will be subject to credit. |
4. FCIA Module 2 | Expected to be deployed August 2024.
Credit may be obtained with PEC as per transition rule FTR23-1. December 31, 2023, is the deadline to complete the track-specific PEC to be exempt from FCIA Module 2. |
5. F1, F2 and F3 FCIA exams | Credit may be obtained as per recognition rules, subject to transition rule FTR25-2, for FCIA applications using only SOA/CAS activities and submitted before November 15, 2025.
Transition rule FTR25-3, provides the opportunity to candidates to extend recognition of achieved Fellow-level SOA or CAS educational activities on the condition that they successfully complete at least one FCIA exam by November 15, 2025. It is important to note that SOA and CAS Fellow-level activities only successfully completed prior to passing this one FCIA exam will be subject to credit. |
6. PEC | Completed by December 31, 2023, provides credit for FCIA Module 2 and the APLC, as per transition rules FTR23-1, FTR23-3, FTR24-3. |
7. Advanced Professionalism and Leadership Course (APLC) | Replaces the PEC effective June 2024 as per transition rule FTR24-1. |
8. Experience | Three years of experience within the last six years, including 12 months of Canadian experience while ACIA accrued in the last three years. |
Two options are available to you, namely Pathways 3A and 3B. FCIA membership via Pathway 3A is open to any person who already holds a recognized Fellow-level actuarial designation and has accrued at least three years of relevant Canadian experience since achieving that Fellow designation. FCIA membership via Pathway 3B is open to any person who already holds a recognized Fellow level actuarial designation and who wishes to fast-track to FCIA by completing a Canadian content fellowship exam as designated by the CIA.
See FCIA FAQ 4 for Pathway 3A requirements and FCIA FAQ 5 for Pathway 3B requirements.
The table below outlines requirements along with applicable transition rules:
Requirement | Description |
1. Recognized Fellow designation | FSA (US), FCAS (US), FIA (UK), FASSA (South Africa), FAIA (Australia), FSAI (Ireland) |
2. FCIA Module 2 | Effective August 16, 2024, as per transition rule FTR24-2:
Pathway 3A and Pathway 3B candidates must complete FCIA track module 2 if PEC is not completed by December 2023. |
3. PEC, until December 31, 2023 | Administered until December 31, 2023, and provides credit for FCIA module 2 and the APLC, as per transition rule FTR23-1. |
4. Advanced Professionalism and Leadership Course (APLC) | Replaces the PEC effective June 2024. |
5. Experience | FSA and FCAS: Three years of Canadian experience (in a chosen area) in the last four years, after achievement of first Fellow designation.
FIA, FASSA, FAIA, FSAI (former MRA): Three years of Canadian experience (in a chosen area) in the last four years at the time of application (for applications received until November 15, 2025) as per transition rule FTR25-1. After November 15, 2025, three years of Canadian experience (in a chosen area) in the last four years, after achievement of first Fellow designation. |
The table below outlines requirements along with applicable transition rules:
Requirement | Description |
1. Recognized Fellow designation | Candidates with recognized Fellow designations: FSA (US), FCAS (US), FIA (UK), FASSA (South Africa), FAIA (Australia), FSAI (Ireland). |
2. FCIA Module 2 | Effective August 16, 2024, as per transition rule FTR24-2:
Pathway 3A and Pathway 3B candidates must complete FCIA Track Module 2 if PEC is not completed by December 2023 (FTR23-1). |
3. One FCIA exam | a. Effective November 16, 2024, as per transition rule FTR24-4: One CIA Fellowship exam required for Pathway 3B candidates from the SOA or CAS who took US-specific Fellowship examinations in life, retirement, group benefits and property and casualty. Not required if Canadian exams were taken as part of FSA or FCAS.
b. November 15, 2025 deadline as per transition rule FTR25-1 for FCIA applications for Pathway 3B candidates via former MRA route (therefore other than SOA/CAS) with Canadian experience accrued before achievement of the first Fellow designation and using SOA or CAS Canadian content examinations (applies to ILA, RET, GB and P&C candidates). |
4. PEC until December 31, 2023 | Completed by December 31, 2023, provides credit for FCIA Module 2 and the APLC as per transition rule FTR23-1. |
5. Advanced Professionalism and Leadership Course (APLC) | Replaces the PEC effective June 2024. |
6. Experience | FSA and FCAS: Three years experience in the last six years, including 12 months Canadian experience accrued after achievement of first Fellow designation.
FIA, FASSA, FAIA, FSAI (former MRA system): Three years experience in the last six years, including 12 months Canadian experience accrued after achievement of first Fellow designation (for applications received until November 15, 2025) as per transition rule FTR25-1. |
You should pursue either Pathway 3A (Canadian experience) or Pathway 3B (fast-track). See FCIA FAQ 4 for Pathway 3A requirements and FCIA FAQ 5 for Pathway 3B requirements.
Yes. December 31, 2023, is the deadline for candidates in the SOA education system using Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 to complete Fellow-level education, including the PEC (but not the SOA FAC and DMAC), to be exempt from SOA exam PA or ACIA Module 2.
No, if:
- You took Canadian exams as part of your FSA in the ILA, RET or GH tracks.
- You completed your FSA in the CFE or QFI tracks.
- You completed your FSA in the GI track using CAS exam 6-C.
Yes, if:
- You took US exams as part of your FSA in the ILA, RET or GH tracks.
- You completed your FSA in the GI track using US exams.
Please see FCIA FAQ 5 for more details on Pathway 3B requirements.
No, if you took exam 6-C as part of your FCAS.
Yes, if you did not complete 6-C as part of your FCAS.
If you plan to use only SOA/CAS activities, your complete FCIA application must be received by November 15, 2025, under Pathway 2 transition.
Transition rule FTR25-3 provides the opportunity for candidates to extend recognition of achieved Fellow-level SOA or CAS educational activities beyond November 15, 2025, on the condition that they successfully complete at least one FCIA exam by November 15, 2025. It is important to note that SOA and CAS Fellow-level activities only successfully completed prior to passing this one FCIA exam will be subject to credit.
We will consider such situations on a case-by-case basis. Until then, if you are in this situation, we recommend that you aim to complete your Fellow level education with CIA activities when they are available and/or SOA activities before November 15, 2025, or to use transition rule FTR25-3.
Yes, if you plan to qualify under Pathways 1 or 2.
No, if you are, or plan to qualify as, a Fellow from one of the recognized actuarial organizations. You will have to meet Pathway 3A or 3B requirements.
Please see FCIA FAQ 4 and 5 for details on Pathway 3A and 3B requirements.
All membership applications must be submitted through our website. Once you’ve established that you meet the requirements for FCIA according to your Pathway, including any exemptions, you can submit your full application for FCIA. Confirmation of requirements will be assessed based on the documentation you provide.
Be sure to provide all information upon application such as transcripts of actuarial exams passed and proof of membership from an actuarial organization.
No. See FCIA FAQ 13 for details.

Still have questions? Join our info sessions on Zoom!
If you still have questions, ask away during our weekly info sessions on Zoom, Fridays from 12:00 to 12:30 ET (meeting ID: 868 6517 9998, passcode: 684536), where our education experts can answer your questions about ACIA and FCIA pathways, exemptions and what you need to know to become an actuary in Canada.
JoinUseful links
- CIA Policy on Qualification Requirements
- Transition rules
- Appendix to the transition rules
- ACIA modules and Capstone Exam syllabuses
- FCIA syllabuses
- FCIA Application Guidelines