HomeBeing a memberAnnual membership and application fees

Annual membership and application fees

A woman writing on a book and holding a cellphone on one of her hands

Membership fees for April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025:

Membership categoryAnnual membership fee
Associate – five years or more$1,275
Associate – less than five years$450
Candidate and member on a partial waiver of dues$75
StudentNo fee

On November 28, 2023, the Board approved the above membership fees, as recommended by the Human Resources, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.  

Annual membership fees are not subject to GST or HST. 

Application fees 

All membership applications are subject to fees that are comprised of pro-rated annual membership fees for the relevant membership category, and a non-refundable application fee.

Membership categoryNon-refundable application fee
Student No fee 
Fellow $150

*Candidates are not subject to pro-rated membership fees.   

Application periods

Application period deadlineAmount to be paid at time of application (including non-refundable application fee)Anticipated approval date
February 15100% of annual membership feesApril 1
May 1575% of annual membership feesJuly 1
August 15  50% of annual membership feesOctober 1
November 1525% of annual membership feesJanuary 1

If you are applying to become a Fellow of the CIA (FCIA), your application must include certifications of your work experience, as outlined in the following document:

Incomplete applications or failure to meet the requirements outlined in the 2024 FCIA Application Guidelines will result in rejection of an application.

Membership renewal FAQ