Publication archives
Comments to OSFI on Draft LICAT 2025 Guideline
The CIA submitted comments to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions on the draft Life Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (LICAT) 2025 Guideline.
Comments to the AMF on Draft CARLI 2025 Guideline
The CIA submitted comments to the Autorité des marchés financiers on the draft Capital Adequacy Requirements Guideline – Life and Health Insurance (CARLI).
Draft regulation on divided co-ownership – Recognition of Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries as authorized to conduct contingency fund studies
The CIA submitted comments to the Société d’habitation du Québec on its draft regulation on divided co-ownership, recommending that the Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (FCIA) be among the professionals authorized to carry out contingency fund studies.
Proposed changes to Old Age Security require robust financial analysis
The CIA submits comments to the federal government on the proposal to increase Old Age Security payments to individuals between the ages of 65 and 74 by 10%. The CIA urges the federal government to undertake a careful and comprehensive […]
The Evolution of Employer-Sponsored Long-Term Disability Plans
This insight statement explores the challenges and opportunities of adapting long-term disability benefits beyond age 65. It details key legal developments, the importance of age-based distinctions in long-term disability coverage, and how to design sustainable and inclusive plans that meet […]
Comments to the Ontario Ministry of Finance on Target Benefits
The CIA submitted comments to the Ontario Ministry of Finance on draft regulations to support the implementation of a permanent framework for target benefit plans.
Notice of Intent – Policy Statement on Wellness and Preventative Health Care
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Comments to OSFI on the Draft LICAT Guideline – Segregated Fund Guarantee Capital Framework
The CIA submitted comments to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions on a consultation regarding the impact of revisions to the regulatory capital requirements for segregated fund guarantees.
Comments to FRAS on the Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards
The CIA submitted comments to the Financial Reporting and Assurance Standards Canada on their first sustainability disclosure standards for organizations in Canada. These standards may affect financial reporting work performed by CIA members.
Comments to OSFI on the Revised Standardized Climate Scenario Exercise
The CIA submitted comments to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions on a consultation which will help companies to further assess their exposure to climate risk, and aid in OSFI’s regulation in this area.