Publication archives
Statement of Investment Policy
The purpose of the policy is to establish such terms and conditions for the investment of the financial assets of the Institute.
CIA Travel and Expense Policy for Volunteers and Staff
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Expense Claim Form 2024
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Canadian Institute of Actuaries welcomes new President and Board members
This media release announces the CIA’s new President, Conrad Ferguson, and Board members for 2024-2025, as well as the release of the CIA’s 2023-2024 annual report, titled Championing Progress.
Audited Financial Statements 2023-2024
These are the audited financial statements of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, which comprise the statement of financial position as at March 31, 2024, and the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then […]
Championing Progress: CIA 2023-2024 Annual Report
Explore our 2023-2024 annual report, Championing Progress, to discover highlights and achievements. Glean how we’ve grown the profession and supported our members with a quick recap of our key outputs and achievements. Additionally, review our financial health with a summary […]
Canada’s actuaries advise to include nature risk in climate risk frameworks
This media release announces the CIA’s policy statement, Integrating Nature in Climate Scenario Analysis for Enhanced Resilience.
L’accès aux documents et l’archivage par l’ICA
Ce document présente les principes visant l’accès aux documents de l’ICA et du Conseil de surveillance de la profession actuarielle et l’archivage de ces documents. Ces principes guident nos décisions en ce qui concerne les documents accessibles sur le site […]
Access and Archiving of Materials by the CIA
This document outlines the principles for the access and archiving of materials from the CIA and the Actuarial Profession Oversight Board. These principles guide our decisions around what materials are available on the CIA website and other platforms, who can […]
Strength in Numbers 2024: The CIA’s Report on Volunteerism
This report showcases the incredible contributions of the CIA volunteers who played a role in helping to shape the financial security of Canadians in 2023. Explore the dynamic landscape of volunteer engagement, honouring the legacy of those dedicated to service.