2020 Retirement Risk Survey – Key Findings

Author: Anna Doudina, Andrea Kojlak, Chris Fievoli, Krista Sacrey, Umair Ali

Publication date: 27-09-2021

Version: Current

Language available: Bilingual

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This report provides an overview of key results of an online survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) in 2020. Ipsos previously conducted a retirement risk survey for the CIA in 2010 with a follow-up survey in 2012. Where relevant, this report compares 2020 survey responses to those from 2010 and/or 2012. The questionnaire for the study was designed by Ipsos, in cooperation with the CIA Project Oversight Group.

Categories: Research

Topics: Climate, Investments, Pensions

Pages: 46

Format: PDF

Accession no.: rp221107