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Submission to the OSFI on Preparation of Actuarial Reports for Defined Benefit Pension Plans – Comments and addendum by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries

Publication date: 12-01-2021

Version: Current

Language available: Bilingual

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On December 20, 2019, OSFI issued proposed revisions to the Instruction Guide for the Preparation of Actuarial Reports for Defined Benefit Pension Plans (the “Guide”). The revised Guide is being issued in draft form for pension plan stakeholders to provide input on the changes. OSFI suspended consultations initiatives in the spring of 2020 and has since gradually restarted policy development work. Accordingly, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) has offered the following commentary on the draft Guide’s provisions.

Although the final version of the guide has now been published, additional comments are valuable in the event that any future revisions are made, which are included in this publication.


Categories: Statements

Types: Advice statements

Topics: Pensions

Pages: 13

Format: PDF

Accession no.: 221005