Publication archives

Notice of Intent – CIA Insight Statement on Housing, Natural Disasters and Climate Change

The impact of climate change on the housing sector is currently top of mind in many countries and across demographics. With increasing severe climate events, there is significant debate about who owns the moral and actual responsibility to mitigate the […]

Notice of intent – CIA insight statement on long-term disability insurance benefit differentiation based on age

This insight statement will provide an overview of the laws in Canada pertaining to discrimination on the basis of age and demonstrate that it is good public policy to maintain the exemption in law that permits differentiation on the basis […]

Notice of Intent – CIA Insight Statement on Immigration

The CIA is proposing to develop an insight statement that illustrates the necessity and impact of an immigration assumption as it pertains to the financial health of Canada’s public retirement programs, such as the Canada Pension Plan.

Scolarité et longévité

Cet énoncé de principe présente une analyse de la corrélation entre la richesse et la longévité, les différences mondiales dans les niveaux de scolarité et leur impact sur la longévité, et la sécurité sociale et les dépenses en soins de […]

Education and Longevity

This insight statement presents an analysis of the correlation between wealth and longevity, global differences in education levels and their impact on longevity, and social security and health care spending. It is based on a 2021 member paper written by […]

Longevity of Condo Infrastructure

This insight statement explores some of the risks associated with condos and why owners, buyers, governments, municipalities, condo managers, board members and other stakeholders should better understand those risks. Building on a 2022 CIA research paper on condos, this statement […]

Protecting Pensioners of Traditional Defined Benefit Plans: A New Approach to Solvency Funding and Benefit Reductions on Plan Wind-up

The current system for winding up underfunded defined benefit (DB) pension plans involves dividing the segregated pension fund among all plan beneficiaries on a pro-rata basis according to the value of their pension entitlement. This means that if the available […]

Modelling the Future of COVID-19 in Ontario

Predicting future outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging due to ever-changing factors such as new variants, vaccines, seasonality, and dynamic government intervention measures. Further, we do not have a comprehensive understanding of the impact of these factors: we […]