Publication archives
Comments from the CIA to OSFI on Draft Guideline E-23 – Model Risk Management
The CIA submitted comments to OSFI on this updated guideline that could provide additional guidance and compliance related to model use, AI, and machine learning.
CIA Response to OSFI on Draft Guideline E-21 – Operational Resilience and Operational Risk Management
The CIA submits comments on this updated guideline for insurers to enhance operational resilience and management of operational risks. The revised guideline will continue to improve insurers’ ability to respond to major disruptions.
Comments from the CIA to the AMF on the Climate Risk Management Guideline
The CIA submitted comments to the Autorité des marchés financiers on a guideline that covers climate-related elements such as scenario testing and risk management for AMF-regulated insurers.
Comments from the CIA to the IAA on Actuarial Considerations Around Climate-Related Risks on Social Security
The CIA submits comments to the IAA on an exposure draft that provides useful information for actuaries needing to incorporate climate scenarios in their social security work and that will help to ensure appropriate reflection of climate impacts on public […]
Comments from the CIA to OSFI on the Standardized Climate Scenario Exercise
The CIA submits comments to OSFI on a consultation regarding the introduction of a fully-standardized exercise which will allow OSFI to quantitatively assess climate-related risks across companies.
Natural Catastrophes and Climate-Related Risks: Managing Uncertainty and Building Resilience in the Financial Services Sector Discussion Paper
The Institute has submitted comments on the British Columbia Financial Services Authority’s latest discussion paper, which addresses natural catastrophes and climate-related risks.
Canada’s actuaries support drug coverage for all Canadians by improving existing systems
In response to the federal government’s goal to ensure comprehensive drug coverage, we released a statement supporting a hybrid approach that builds upon existing public and private drug coverage plans. The key elements of our proposal include provincial and territorial […]
Advice statement to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions – Climate risk returns
The CIA submits comments to OSFI on its draft climate risk returns for federally regulated financial institutions.
Advice statement to the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities
The CIA submits comments to CAPSA on its Guideline for Risk Management for Plan Administrators.
Advice statement to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions – Consultation on proposed changes to the Capital Adequacy Requirements (CAR) Guideline and the Mortgage Insurer Capital Adequacy Test (MICAT)
The CIA submits comments to OSFI on changes that will affect capital requirements for insurers offering mortgage insurance products.