Publication archives

Reading list for FCIA Syllabus – Retirement benefits track

Supporting the FCIA exam focused on the specialized retirement benefits track, this comprehensive reading list will provide you with the ideal study material to prepare for earning your FCIA designation.

Part 6000 of the CIA Standards of Practice – Practice-Specific Standards for Non-Pension Employee Future Benefit Plans (Effective February 1, 2024)

Early implementation is permitted. Effective February 1, 2024.

Review of Part 6000 of the CIA Standards of Practice – Practice-Specific Standards for Non-Pension Employee Future Benefit Plans (redlined)

Early implementation is permitted. Effective February 1, 2024.

Review of Part 6000 of the CIA Standards of Practice – Practice-Specific Standards for Non-Pension Employee Future Benefit Plans

Early implementation is permitted. Effective February 1, 2024.

Examen de la partie 6000 des normes de pratique de l’ICA : Normes applicables aux régimes d’avantages sociaux futurs autres que ceux d’un régime de retraite – Note de service

La version définitive ci-jointe des Normes applicables aux Régimes d’avantages sociaux futurs autres queceux d’un régime de retraite (partie 6000, ci-après, « les NP ») a été approuvée par le Conseil desnormes actuarielles (CNA) le 27 novembre 2023.

Review of Part 6000 of the CIA Standards of Practice – Practice-Specific Standards for Non-Pension Employee Future Benefit Plans – Memo

The attached final Standards of Practice – Practice-Specific Standards for Non-Pension Employee FutureBenefit Plans (Part 6000, hereinafter “the SOP”) were approved by the Actuarial Standard Board (ASB)on November 27, 2023.

New research examines risks and rewards of lifetime pension pool design elements

This media release announces the publication of a comprehensive report that examines the intricacies of lifetime pension pools, also known as variable payment life annuities or VPLAs in Canada, and shares optimal design elements.

Exploration of Lifetime Pension Pool Design Elements

Providing valuable insights on lifetime pension pools – also known as variable payment life annuities or VPLAs – this joint research report by the CIA and the Society of Actuaries examines modern retirement arrangements that enable retirees to convert a […]

Examen des éléments de conception d’un régime commun de rentes viagères à paiements variables

Fournissant un éclairage essentiel sur les pensions viagères – également connues sous le nom de rentes viagères à paiements variables ou RVPV, ce rapport de recherche publié conjointement par l’ICA et la Society of Actuaries examine les régimes de retraite […]

Commuted Values Indexes

In Canada, a member of a defined benefit pension plan who terminates their membership may receive their pension entitlement in the form of a lump sum. This “commuted value” (CV) is the present value of the expected monthly lifetime retirement […]