Publication archives
Review of Standards of Practice with Respect to Gender Identity – Exposure Draft
This exposure draft outlines the proposed changes to the standards of practice.
Reading list for FCIA Syllabus – Finance, investments and ERM track with option for banking
Supporting the FCIA exam focused on the specialized finance, investments and ERM track with option in banking, this comprehensive reading list will provide you with the ideal study material to prepare for earning your FCIA designation.
FCIA Syllabus – Finance, investments and ERM with option in Banking
This document outlines the finance, investments and enterprise risk management (FIE)-track exams and modules syllabuses.
Longevity of Infrastructure – Reserving and Risk Management in Condominium Maintenance in Canada
This research paper explores the Canadian condominium industry with an actuarial insight into condominium reserve funds set aside for paying the future repair and replacement costs of common elements shared among condo owners in a building. It focuses on the […]
2020 Retirement Risk Survey – Key Findings
This report provides an overview of key results of an online survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) in 2020. Ipsos previously conducted a retirement risk survey for the CIA in 2010 with a […]
Advice statement to OSFI on assurance on capital, leverage and liquidity returns
The Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) thanks OSFI for the opportunity to comment on the discussion paper Assurance on Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns. This letter has been prepared by the CIA’s Committee on Risk Management and Capital Requirements (CRMCR).