Publication archives
Review of Standards of Practice with Respect to Gender Identity – Exposure Draft
This exposure draft outlines the proposed changes to the standards of practice.
Reading list for FCIA Syllabus – Individual life and annuities track
Supporting the FCIA exam focused on the specialized individual life and annuities track, this comprehensive reading list will provide you with the ideal study material to prepare for earning your FCIA designation.
Skills and Knowledge Inventories for the Individual Insurance Area of Practice
This resource document is meant to assist CIA members practising in individual insurance gauge their skills and knowledge within this area. The Skills and Knowledge Inventory should not be construed as a definitive and complete description of the all the […]
Long-term disability insurance needs updating as Canada’s demographics change
This media release announces the CIA’s insight statement, The Evolution of Employer-Sponsored Long-Term Disability Plans.
The Evolution of Employer-Sponsored Long-Term Disability Plans
This insight statement explores the challenges and opportunities of adapting long-term disability benefits beyond age 65. It details key legal developments, the importance of age-based distinctions in long-term disability coverage, and how to design sustainable and inclusive plans that meet […]
Notice of intent – CIA insight statement on long-term disability insurance benefit differentiation based on age
This insight statement will provide an overview of the laws in Canada pertaining to discrimination on the basis of age and demonstrate that it is good public policy to maintain the exemption in law that permits differentiation on the basis […]
FCIA Syllabus – Individual life and annuities track
This document outlines the individual life and annuities (ILA)-track exams and modules syllabuses.
Critically Canadian: Canadian Critical Illness Standalone Base Incidence Tables – Tables
These tables contain the final incidence rates for each claim trigger by attained age and gender. The tables show the sequential development from the preliminary base incidence rates (interpolated and smoothed) to the final incidence rates.
Critically Canadian: Canadian Critical Illness Standalone Base Incidence Tables
This research paper derives incidence rates from general population sources for each of the most common or significant claim triggers (impairments/conditions/surgical procedures) found in the typical Canadian individual standalone critical illness insurance contract. The derived incidence rates represent population level […]