The 2023-24 CPD compliance filing is now open

File your CPD compliance statement before the deadline to avoid late fees and ensure that your membership remains in good standing.

Publication archives

Review of Standards of Practice with Respect to Gender Identity – Exposure Draft

This exposure draft outlines the proposed changes to the standards of practice.

Review of CIA Standards of Practice for climate change – Notice of intent

This notice of intent outlines changes to the standards (SOP) under consideration and it requests feedback on the revisions as part of the Actuarial Standards Board’s due process for amending the SOP.

Comments to FRAS on the Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards

The CIA submitted comments to the Financial Reporting and Assurance Standards Canada on their first sustainability disclosure standards for organizations in Canada. These standards may affect financial reporting work performed by CIA members.

Comments to OSFI on the Revised Standardized Climate Scenario Exercise

The CIA submitted comments to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions on a consultation which will help companies to further assess their exposure to climate risk, and aid in OSFI’s regulation in this area.

Notice of Intent – CIA Insight Statement on Housing, Natural Disasters and Climate Change

The impact of climate change on the housing sector is currently top of mind in many countries and across demographics. With increasing severe climate events, there is significant debate about who owns the moral and actual responsibility to mitigate the […]

Canada’s actuaries advise to include nature risk in climate risk frameworks

This media release announces the CIA’s policy statement, Integrating Nature in Climate Scenario Analysis for Enhanced Resilience.

Single Topic Task Force Report to CIA Members: Responses to comments on draft policy statement on nature-related risk

This report compiles the responses to comments received on the draft policy statement during the consultation process with members.

Integrating Nature in Climate Scenario Analysis for Enhanced Resilience

This CIA statement discusses the issue of nature-related risk as an important co-consideration that must be included in climate risk analysis, framework development and reporting. It demonstrates the necessity of considering biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation alongside climate risk. Learn […]

Integrating Nature in Climate Scenario Analysis for Enhanced Resilience – Draft

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Comments from the CIA to the AMF on the Climate Risk Management Guideline

The CIA submitted comments to the Autorité des marchés financiers on a guideline that covers climate-related elements such as scenario testing and risk management for AMF-regulated insurers.