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HomeGet to know your elections candidatesChristiane Bourassa, FCIA(1988)

Christiane Bourassa, FCIA(1988)

Christiane-BourassaPosition: Director candidate
Province: Quebec
Primary Practice Area: Group benefits



Position statement

I am proud to announce that I am running for the position of Director on the CIA Board. During my career, I have worked as a consultant in the retirement sector and then in the group insurance field. In recent years I have been responsible for intellectual capital development and innovation, supporting my colleagues, employers and their employees in their Canadian group insurance initiatives. This has helped me better understand the issues surrounding well-being and financial health and, above all, the ways in which we, as actuaries, can play an active role in developing solutions and putting them in place.

Actuaries are professionals trained to collaborate with others in an effort to address the issues facing our society. We are equipped with analytical skills that help us solve even the most complex-seeming problems. And so, it is essential that the CIA remain active in the great debates of our day. Accordingly, it would be a privilege for me to work with the CIA Board and all members to ensure that we are contributing to these discussions as best we can.

As a CIA Director, my objectives would be as follows:

  • Ensure that members receive the support they need to perform at the highest level.
  • Encourage innovation and cutting-edge solutions to help us address the current issues.
  • Support new actuaries so that they may contribute to the excellence of the profession and develop the talents we all need.
  • Ensure active participation in social debates. Issues I care deeply about include well-being, inclusion and diversity, and financial security.

As a volunteer for the CIA, I have participated in three designated groups of the Actuarial Standards Board, whose mandates include post-employment benefit standards and general standards. I also chaired the Committee on Post-Employment Benefits, where I directed the group that developed the first educational note on health-care cost trend factors. Over the years I have sat on committees dealing with group insurance, post-employment benefit plans, consolidated standards of practice and elections, as well as certain working groups.

In light of my expertise and experience in the industry as a strategic consultant and innovation leader, I am convinced that I can make a positive contribution to the Institute’s success and that of its members.