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HomeGet to know your elections candidatesAlena Kharkavets, FCIA(2012)

Alena Kharkavets, FCIA(2012)

Alena-KharkavetsPosition: Director candidate
Province: Ontario
Primary Practice Area: P&C insurance



Position statement

Our vision at the Institute is financial security for all Canadians. Our actuarial profession is evolving: Technology, climate change and social expectations raise the bar for actuaries, as we continue to deliver for both business and society.

I share the Institute’s vision and would be honoured to contribute more directly to this accomplished organization. Whether your field is life insurance, pensions, investments, property and casualty, or you are a practitioner in other area, I ask for your vote.


My name is Alena Kharkavets. I have proudly worked at Intact (IFC) for the past 17 years, both as an actuary and as a leader in other business units, and I currently serve as Vice President, Supply Chain. I have always been committed to a well-rounded perspective, with decision-making that considers numbers, strategy, operations and people. After foundational years in pricing, I made impact while applying my actuarial skills in strategy, mergers and acquisitions, digital distribution, portfolio management, marketing and now claims.

Volunteer work

I have been involved in advocating for the actuarial profession since my university days. I was President of the Actuarial Students’ National Association (ASNA), when we brought the convention to Winnipeg, and later on served as the President of the Ontario Conference of Casualty Actuaries when we hosted the first full-day conference (and brought 3D printers for attendees to experience first-hand). I was also a volunteer with the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the CIA: I was part of the CIA Committee on Predictive Modelling and I am currently on the CIA Public Affairs Council.

Commitment to diversity

As a member of the Intact Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council for a decade, I understand how to build inclusive culture. And last year, my Supply Chain team opened a collision repair service centre in Fort William First Nation. It was a meaningful moment for that community, and we were honoured to be part of it. Grounded in these experiences, I am committed to fostering inclusivity for our members at the CIA.

The Institute’s Board has done a phenomenal job shaping its five-year roadmap. If elected as your CIA Board Director, I would help further these goals. In particular:

  1. Build the CIA brand, so that the Institute and actuaries continue to be recognized as the go-to authority for actuarial science and risk management.
  2. Provide knowledge-based services and products, so that, as a member, you have all the resources to equip yourself for the evolving needs of the market.
  3. Serve the public interest, so that in carrying out our activities we don’t lose our north star: the financial well-being of Canadians.

As someone who was at the forefront of the move to digital distribution, who was taught neural networks by Professor Hinton before they were a thing, and who is now leading the greening of supply chain at Intact, I embrace change. Our profession is in the midst of a pivotal decade. I am eager to support the Institute and our dynamic community of actuaries committed to financial security of Canadians.